This website was created to help New York not-for-profits evaluate the process of merging or consolidating with another New York not-for-profit under Article 9 of the New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law (“N-PCL”). This website will also provide an overview of a fiscal sponsorship relationship, another method by which not-for-profits associate, that may provide solutions for the same type of issues that mergers or consolidations are typically meant to address.
Though, as the reader will learn, there is much planning a board can do to facilitate a smooth transaction without the oversight of an attorney, this guide is not intended to replace the guidance of a lawyer. Its primary purpose is to provide an overview of the process and highlight some important considerations. Users should gain a basic understanding of these transactions and what to expect when undergoing a significant organizational change, such as those defined herein.
This website serves as a central guide to New York not-for-profit mergers, consolidations, and other like combinations, as well as fiscal sponsorships. The [KEY TERMS] section provides definitions of important terms used throughout the guide. The [MERGERS] section discusses mergers and consolidations, including when and how to merge or consolidate. The [FISCAL SPONSORSHIPS] section explains what a fiscal sponsorship is, discusses its governing agreement, and analyzes when such an arrangement is appropriate.
The [INTERVIEWS] section includes interviews with experienced practitioners and upper-level corporate management sharing their knowledge of key issues in these types of transactions. Finally, the [FAQ] section answers frequent questions about mergers, consolidations, other combinations, and fiscal sponsorships.
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